Safe Dental Education

If your child or teen deals with dental fears or is anxious during their appointments, we offer safe dental sedation to help your child feel completely comfortable throughout their entire visit. Dental sedation can also help your child’s dentist accomplish a lot in just one visit when treatment is needed. If you are looking for children’s sedation in the Lakeland, FL area, schedule a visit online today!

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective form of sedation that can help your child feel at ease while our team addresses their dental needs. By administering sedation through a mask placed over your child’s nose, the nitrous oxide will begin to take effect quickly. Your child will be able to respond to their dentist if needed, but will not be bothered by surrounding sounds or smells. This type of sedation is painless to administer and can greatly improve your child’s overall dental experience. Once the mask is removed, the effects of sedation will begin to wear away, allowing your child to resume their normal activities following their visit.

Is Sedation Right for My Child?

If you have questions concerning dental sedation, we recommend scheduling a consultation. Our team will discuss your child’s needs, answer any questions you may have and help you better understand the sedation process. We’re to help you find the best way to make each visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for your child or teen.

Is Sedation Safe?

Sedation is administered by team members who are qualified and have been trained to monitor children throughout their visit. Nitrous oxide is one of the mildest forms of sedation and offers a safe way for children of all ages to relax in the dental chair.

Providing an Exceptional Experience

At Yasrebi Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we believe in lifting others. Creating a calm, comfortable environment throughout each and every visit is just one of the ways we strive to help our guests have the best experience possible. We want to do everything we can to help our guests succeed and receive the dental care that they deserve. 

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